Hey there!
Living downtown this past year has given me the time to explore a little. I have a few favorite spots around downtown that I decided I should share.
Point State Park {source} |
1.) Point State Park || Obviously. Not only is it a great place to go on a run or walk, but the view is just amazing.
2.) Duquesne Incline || This is the first thing I did when I got to school in the fall. The incline is only a dollar there and back for students and seniors, and the trip was worth it.
3.) North Shore || I usually walk there, but the T is free downtown (Allegheny, North Shore, Gateway, Wood St., Steel Plaza, First Ave.) and it will take you over the bridge. You can see the downtown skyline perfect, and there's also tons of stuff to do there.
North Shore (What an amazing photo from Dave Dicello!) {source} |
4.) The Strip || Like I've mentioned before, I have only visited once, but I loved it. So many places to eat and shop, and is very Pittsburgh-esque.
5.) Any of the *thousands* of bridges || This is what Pittsburgh is known for! I'm actually pretty afraid of bridges, but I love looking at them. They're breathtaking.
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